
SAA Swim Safety Article

Published on June 11, 2023 under Safety Tips

Southbury Ambulance Association has developed some tips for national safety month to keep the community healthy.

As summer is rolling around, more people are out and about. The nice weather is causing people to go to beaches and pools to enjoy their summer. However, this comes with risks such as drowning so here are some tips to keep you safe this summer.

According to the CDC, every year there are 4,000 fatal unintentional drownings. At the beach make sure to look out for riptides and if you get caught in one make sure to swim with the current and diagonally. If you or your child is not a good swimmer, stay in the lifeguard zone at the beach and make sure to wear a life jacket if you are going into deeper water. Make sure everyone is accounted for, especially if you have children.

There are also many drowning prevention tips for pools. According to the Red Cross, securing the pool with a fence will reduce a child’s drowning risk by 83%. It is important to designate someone as a “water watcher”. This will make sure that if someone is drowning, they can receive the help they need. In addition, make sure to always swim sober and stay away from drains or filters that cause suction.

Finally, the most important takeaway is to make sure someone is supervising you while swimming, and to practice basic safety measures such as wearing a life jacket and staying sober. If you are a parent or guardian, make sure to supervise your kids at all times.

By: Nadina Bhadrasain 68 Georges Hill Rd Southbury, CT 06488  203-568-4629