
Category: News

May 2016 EMS Appreciation Week

Published on May 10, 2016 under News
May 2016 EMS Appreciation Week
May 2016 marks the 42nd anniversary of EMS week. In Southbury and throughout the nation, EMS workers are relied on as an integral part of our healthcare system providing the frontline of care in emergency…
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Megan Posey Presented with Certificate

Published on May 3, 2016 under News
Megan Posey Presented with Certificate
Megan Posey was presented with a certificate awarding her the designation of Crew Chief with Southbury Ambulance Association, Inc. (SAA). Megan is a member of the volunteer Board of Directors serving as the Training officer…
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We Can’t Help You if We Can’t Find You!!

Published on April 14, 2016 under News
We Can’t Help You if We Can’t Find You!!
No amount of medical training will help an ambulance crew find your house if your heart stops beating. That’s why Geralyn Hoyt, President of the Southbury Ambulance Association, is reminding every homeowner and business owner…
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