
SAA HEART Safe Community Press Release

Published on February 17, 2023 under News

Southbury Ambulance Association

From: Geralyn Hoyt, President                                              February 16, 2023


In 2011, Southbury earned the HEART Safe Community designation.  Southbury Ambulance Association (SAA) worked with the town to accomplish this goal and on an ongoing basis has spearheaded the three year re-designation process. Recognizing the signs of a cardiac event and having the knowledge and ability to respond can be lifesaving. A HEARTSafe Community promotes and supports: CPR training in the community; public access to defibrillation through strategic placement of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for use by public safety professionals and other trained community members; and early advanced care.  SAA Chief, Geralyn Hoyt, is issuing an appeal to all organizations and individuals in the Town of Southbury who have an AED on their premises. The following information is needed:

  1. The name, address, and contact information for the organization/individual that has the AED; 2. The location of the AED; the number of AEDs on the premises; the individuals trained on operating the AED for the past 3 years; Who provided/provides the training; Who maintains the AED unit; 3. Number of individuals with current CPR training.

Please either fax 203 262 8082, or to report the necessary information. When: By March 10, 2023 and throughout the year if an AED is acquired

Thank you! Let’s all be      HEARTSafe



Pictured is Cecile Rodia, SAA volunteer with an AED and community certification